See "Background" for why and how I endangered my sanity in the extreme sport of dating and find out if I'll be brave/crazy enough to try it again

Sunday, January 9, 2011

To Text or Not to Text

I know I’ve previously written of my dislike of texting early on in a dating relationship, but I’m writing again as I need some speedy and hopefully helpful advice.  Here’s the scenario: tonight I went on a first date with Chip*, guy that I had been kinda communicating with on Physics* for a few months.  I say kinda communicating because we had mainly just sent those bizarre get-to-know-you games that constitute communication on Physics.*  An example is Love It or Leave It where the site shows you six images and you say if you would love it or leave it.  The images could be things like recycling, saunas, red meat, rodeos, clubs, etc.  

Anyway, Chip* and I started communicating way back in October but then he went missing for 3-4 weeks during which time I’m guessing he was either dating someone or just got fed up with the site and decided to take a break.  Then he re-contacted me in December and we emailed a bit and then talked on the phone.  The phone conversations were a little awkward and extremely long, but not horrible.  He appeared to be working off of a script of interview questions that queried me on my favorite foods, places I like to hang out, hobbies, places I’ve vacationed, etc.   I chalked it up to him just being nervous but our subsequent conversations were pretty similar.

Except the last time we chatted before we actually met –that one was a little weirder.  Mainly because he asked me if I liked to get facials which is a weird question for a guy to ask a woman when they don’t know each other and then also because he admitted that he had his eyebrows waxed a few years ago.  Again, not a thing a guy normally says to a woman before their first date.  But since it’s not a bad thing for a guy to take care with his appearance and he really didn’t seem like a seriously obsessive metrosexual (see A Brief Period of Normalcy with a Side of Squeamishness), I decided to not dwell on the waxing.  At least I could be certain he didn’t have a big unibrow.

Then tonight we meet up for a drink and have a decent but not thrilling conversation.  I think he was highly nervous or possibly has no discernible sense of humor.  But he was a decent guy and it was an okay evening.  The awkwardness came in at the end when we were leaving the wine bar.  I indicated that I was parked in a nearby lot and he said that his truck was right in front of us.  He then asked me what I was up to this week, I told him and asked him what his plans were.  Then we both said goodbye and walked away.  He didn’t say that he had a nice time, or ask me out again, or even offer to walk me to my car.  Incidentally as I was walking up the street to the parking lot, he passed by me in his truck and didn’t wave, beep, or offer to drive me through the chilly night to my car. 

I then called my sister to inform her that the date had safely concluded per our standard operating procedures.  Whenever I go on one of these dates, I tell my sister the time of the date and location and tell her that I will contact her by a specified time and that if she doesn’t hear from me she should try to contact me a few times before contacting the restaurant and then the authorities.  Considering some of the dates I’ve had --Glen* the golfer comes to mind (At Least I Got To Hit Some Balls)—it makes sense to have someone know where I am and make sure that the date ends safely, even if there has been some emotional scarring.

Then an hour or so after the date had ended, Chip* texts me the following message: Do you want to go out again? 

The message seemed odd to me.  There was no greeting, no indication that he had fun, etc. It was direct, which I usually like, but still weirded me out.  As I’m not the most prolific of texters though, maybe his texting etiquette is completely legit.  I didn’t know how to respond so I asked a friend her advice and she said I should just text him back “yes” and see where he takes it from here.  Thoughts? 

*Name has been changed.


  1. Marcelyn introduced me to your blog. Love it! Though I'm sad that I've finally caught up and now will have to wait for the installments.

    The texting thing...Disclaimer: I despise texting. It's not an acceptable form of communication.

    I think the guy should have asked you out in person after the date and/or given you a call a couple days later. And, yeah...some sort of greeting would have been nice.

    That, the bad phone conversations, the fact that he didn't walk you to your car, driving by without a wave or anything like that, are all definite warning signs.

    Yikes! Looking forward to reading more! <= I mean...I hope you find the right guy. ;-)


  2. Thanks, Rob! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking the texting was not ideal. That said, I took my friend's advice and texted him back 'yes' and we tentatively have a date scheduled for this week. But I am planning on putting up a new post tomorrow or Mon regardless. I kind of approach dating now thinking that if I can't find the right guy I hope he's at least interesting...but without being scarily interesting as I've had enough of that to last me for a while.

    I'm getting ready to close out my Physics* membership so am looking for my next venture. Am thinking about trying J*date although I'm not technically or even non-technically Jewish. Do you have any other recommendations? I'm still on Barrel of Monkeys* but a lot of the guys on there have been too scary to even attempt to meet.

  3. Hmmm...other dating sites. How about Adult Friend Finder? (kidding) I had a friend do the JDate thing. Sounds like it was a good experience. Especially since he is somewhat hardcore in his Jewishess (is that PC?)

    Truth be told, I've never tried internet dating thing. Perhaps, once you meet the man of your dreams, if I'm still out there finding Mrs Wrong, I can take up the proverbial torch.

    Good luck! And I'm looking forward to reading the new post! Is there a way for me to 'sign up' to know when new updates are posted?



  4. I think if you become my follower (this sounds more than vaguely cult-like but I promise it will be painless) then you get updates but I'm not really certain. I'll try to figure that out since my best intentions at posting on a more routine basis often fall by the wayside. You can also click on the "Subscribe To" box for posts and comments - those can be set up for your Google Reader, Yahoo page, or other pages. That box is underneath followers on the right.

    Now with your friend who was on J Date, would he have been ok with women who weren't remotely Jewish being on the site? Just trying to figure out if I should even attempt it or if I'll just tick people off by not being Jewish.

  5. So I responded back...but, apparently, it didn't post? hmmmmmmmm.... Anyway, I became a follower a few weeks ago. But it still didn't tell me the blog was updated. I'm going to have to figure this out(!)

    Luckily I was talking to a friend and told her about your blog. Word of mouth. You will have a new reader soon!

    As for to JDate or not to JDate:

    A friend of mine was on JDate (Jewish) so he could meet Jewish girls. I know he broke up with a girl b/c she wanted to celebrate Christmas. Apparently he didn't want his kids to see a tree. Weird. Anyway, so maybe being on JDate is not the best thing for a remotely "un-Jewish" person.

    But then again..if there was an A-Date (Asians) site for Asians to meet non Asians...I'd be all over that. A-Date...that doesn't sound right. Do the "rules" require you to be Jewish? Or just that you appreciate Jewish-ness?
