For those of you who enjoyed my post, You Are What You Eat?, where I talk about lifelong issues with weight and body issues, check out my latest article at The Snap Download, titled When I Am Queen of Everything. First of all, who wouldn't want to live in a world where I am Queen of Everything? I mean, seriously, people. Admit it, you're curious what it would be like. How many minions would I have, would running be a misdemeanor or a felony, would the rivers be filled with bourbon, would my dog Charlie be named Duke or maybe even Czar? Where was I?
Oh, yeah. So really the article is about my rage against people perpetuating negative body images, whether it's Howard Stern, discriminatory employers, or that darn liberal media (okay, not the real liberal media - the liberal-entertainment-for-news media). It seemed timely what with some of us having already fallen off the Resolution bandwagon and maybe feeling a little bad about it. Don't feel bad or guilty. Do what you can to lead a healthy life and if other people don't like the way you look, then they are clearly supporters of jackassery who would be boring as hell to hang out with anyway.
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