The final nail in the coffin so to speak was when he forwarded me a list of upcoming entertainment events in the area and it included an ad for a Twilight convention in D.C.
I met Mr. Twilight (aka Franklin*) back before New Year’s Eve on our very first date. To recap briefly, he was charming and funny and had about a billion hobbies, including a disconcerting love of vampires and the Twilight saga (see Curse of the Toxic Wine Bar for more info). What he didn’t have was that certain j’ne sais quois or chemistry-ish spark. I liked hanging out with him but I wasn’t excited to see him again. That being said, I recognized that first impressions can be tinged with nervousness and he was pretty fun so I decided in favor of a second date.
Unfortunately, he became the second guy to stand me up that weekend in mid-January. We hadn’t set a specific time or location to meet but had generally agreed on a Sunday evening which I dutifully set aside and then heard nothing from him as the date approached. A week or two later he emailed to say that he was sorry that his flights back from snowboarding out west that weekend had been delayed and he should have texted or called but he forgot.
Since he did seem pretty swell and my expectations had been tempered by my recent encounter with the potential satanic worshiping poop-lover (see Deal with the Devil for more info), I decided to give Franklin* another go but unfortunately due to the insanity in both of our schedules we couldn’t meet up again until a few weeks ago. At that point all I could really remember about him was that he liked very odd board games, volleyball, and vampires. That third point was reinforced when he asked to make our second date a little later in the evening so he could go home and watch an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To the uninformed, I must relay that Buffy (a truly exceptional program) has been off the air for oh, about 10 years. And that if he was a real fan, as I suspected he was, he probably had the whole series on DVD anyway. So it is highly odd that he would need to delay our date that had been delayed for two months to watch an episode of a t.v. show that has been in syndication for 10 years. But I digress.
As work had continued to suck the very life from my veins and rendered me incapable of making decisions, I left the event planning up to him. He chose sushi for the event and a local restaurant near the both of us as the location. This makes it even stranger to me that he then spent a significant portion of the evening commenting on the expensiveness of the menu items. I mean if the costs is that much of a concern, why not choose a less expensive type of food? Not even the jumbo pitcher of sake mitigated his unhappiness with the prices. A little aghast I offered repeatedly to contribute to the bill, particularly as I had begun to see our ‘relationship’ as heading solidly in the friend direction, but he would have none of that. The conversation, other than mentions of the price of the meal, was fairly pleasant but not as enchanting as I remembered from our first date. Rather than seeming as a renaissance man with many different interests, he came across as someone who had no time for anyone or anything that didn’t conform to his schedule and interests.
This could, of course, have something to do with my rapidly increasing and hopeless-feeling crush on the Dog Whisperer. There’s not a lot of potential matches on my horizon right now, but the best any of them can hope for at this point is a distant second to DW (see “Stalking the Dog Whisperer” and “Dorks Anonymous” for more info). And yes, I am still too superstitious about it to say anything so there will be no further updates on that situation for the time being.
I will, however, provide an update to the melodramatic relationships I have with a string of personal trainers (see “It’s Not Me, It's You” for more info). That’s right folks, I was stood up by yet another personal trainer. I was supposed to meet the tatted up trainer number two this past Friday but he “got mixed up” and then was surprised that I didn’t want to hang out the gym waiting for him for an additional 90 minutes as he attempted to come from Germantown across the always-daunting Capitol Beltway to my gym. During rush hour. On a Friday. I have now been given yet another new trainer and yet another free session. We’re scheduled to meet tomorrow for our first of three sessions. At this point I’ll be more surprised if he actually shows at all, let alone shows up remotely on time.
*Name has been changed.