See "Background" for why and how I endangered my sanity in the extreme sport of dating and find out if I'll be brave/crazy enough to try it again

Monday, January 31, 2011

Deal with the Devil?

It was only a matter of time before I ended up dating a potential satanic worshipper.  I mean, if you look at the negatively spiraling trends evidenced in my dating history, it was bound to happen.  Actually I thought I was headed toward a sadist who collected those Precious Moments dolls with the big scary eyes or even a cross-dressing Nazi taxidermist.  But apparently I was destined for another type of extreme weirdness and awfulness.

To be fair, I don’t know that he is actually a satanic worshipper.  Obviously, if I knew that for certain, I would have ceased all conversation with this latest match.  However, right now I’m just suspicious and attempting not to rule out a guy without even having met him. 

Here are the facts as far as I know them: he has the number “666” in his email address.  This was something I didn’t realize until after we had been communicating through Physics* dating site for a few weeks.  On that site, I simply new him as Erik.*  When I was getting ready to cancel my membership on Physics* I gave him my real life email address only to discover his bizarrely named email account.  I decided to be up front about it and ask him.  He said that he just picked it because it was an easy number to remember and didn’t select it for any satanic purposes.  That seemed like a long shot but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for now and continue chatting with him on email and phone. 

So yes, in what may have been a tragically misguided decision, I called him when he gave me his digits and he now has my digits as well.  To date, he has proved to be a persistent correspondent, texting and calling with great regularity.  About our phone conversations, I must say this: we have had two lengthy phone calls and during both of those conversations he used the word “poop” a little too much for my liking (as in any uses of the word would have been strange for a 1st or 2nd phone conversation).  

Here was the context: in the first conversation, after saying how he had been reluctant to get a pet since he lived alone and it didn’t seem fair to the dog (yes, at this point I did remind him that I also live alone and have a dog and didn’t feel that it was unfair to my dog), he asked if I always came home to a house full of poop.  I assured him that this was not the case and tried to change the subject, but he really couldn’t let it go.  At some point he did realize that he was talking about feces an awful lot for a first phone call with a woman that he might potentially want to date, but it took a while to get there. 

In the second conversation, which just happened this evening, when we were talking about our weekends and I mentioned what a pain it was that the sidewalks were still so heavily snow and ice covered as it made it difficult to borderline dangerous to walk my dog, he asked if I always had to carry poop bags and pick up my dog’s poop.  Again at some point he realized he was saying the word “poop” a lot, but it was as if he couldn’t help himself. 

And yet I still haven’t thrown in the towel with this one.  I’m not sure why exactly.  Its like I really have to at least meet him in real life to see if he’s just been extremely nervous and made very poor decisions in both his phone conversation and selection of email address. 

In other news, Twilight guy may be making a reappearance.  I need to determine if he had a sufficient reason for standing me up (see “Curse of the Toxic Wine Bar: Vampires and Manscapingfor more info on him)…or if Eric* makes me reevaluate what I’m willing to forgive and forget.

*Name has been changed.

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