See "Background" for why and how I endangered my sanity in the extreme sport of dating and find out if I'll be brave/crazy enough to try it again

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fate or Fright?

A very quick post as I am running late as usual.  The incident that happened this week was just too strange not to share.  So do you remember from about a million years ago when I talked about the guy who was a little amorous of his Mercedes? Back in Beware the Ides of March, I told you of when I first joined Mismatch* in spring 2009.  The first guy that contacted me was a guy who let me know repeatedly that he had a very nice car.  In pretty much every email.  And most of his profile pictures.  And for the life of me, I can’t remember if we ever actually met.  This in itself is not that disturbing.  Well, okay, it’s disturbing that I can’t remember if we met but not the semi-obsession with his car is not really that troubling.  In fact, in the grand scheme of the horrible dates I’ve been on, this guy seems like a prince.

Fast forward to Personal Assistant Required, when I complained that I needed a personal assistant to keep track of my dating life.  I had joined another site – Physics* - and was chatted up by a guy who seemed like a great catch. 

His profile was funny and approachable and his pictures showed a cute guy with a variety of interests.  At that point, he seemed a little familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on how I knew him.  At some point though I realized that this guy was the same guy that approached me about a year and a half before and was still a little smitten with his car. 

Jump ahead to this past week when I’m innocuously checking my email and discover that this same guy from Mismatch* and from Physics* had sent me a note.  Not just any note, but he responded from the last time that we exchanged personal emails (as opposed to the bizarre conversing that takes place on Physics*) which was March 2009.  Is this fate that I’m actually supposed to meet this guy? Or is it just frightening that he is trying to contact me responding to an email that is 2 years and four months old?  Should I write him back or just pretend I never got the email?  Help me choose my own adventure here, dear readers.  I’m at a loss.

*Name has been changed

1 comment:

  1. Gut reaction - pass! Any guy that obsessed about his car (and insecure enough to mention it repeatedly) is probably not for you. Is there something different about him now that makes you want to reconsider?
